Air pollution is a global issue, but not all countries have the same effect. This is a globally accepted metric for measuring this problem (AQI). Currently, some countries consistently contain lower AQI values that indicate cleaner air. However, others fight with high AQI values. This raises questions. Which factors cause a significant difference in the value of the air quality index from country to country?
Industrialization is the main reason countries see a deviation in the value of AQI. It’s easy. Countries with high industrial growth often record the high value of AQI. The amount of air poisoning emissions from factories, power plants, and vehicles causes this. Business like China is being developed today, but in some regions, they are fighting high AQI values. This is possible due to the country’s strong dependence on coal-fired power plants. Scandinavian countries are developing but can still maintain low AQI values. This is possible due to strict environmental regulations. These countries are also very strongly invested in using clean energy sources.
Vehicle emissions
Vehicle exposure is a significant problem in countries with many vehicles. These emissions also contribute to why these countries record higher air quality index values. This applies especially when the country does not have strict emissions regulations. Countries with efficient public transport systems have improved air quality.
Today, Japan’s AQI is considered moderate. This is partially possible due to the country’s advanced public transport network.
Climate is a natural factor that causes fluctuations in AQI levels from country to country. It’s easy. Countries with dense forests and coastal winds tend to have lower pollution levels. This is possible due to natural ventilation associated with thick forests. These natural variations can help to dispel contaminants. Canada is a good country that falls into this category. Conclusion: Forests with low population density and density are why some countries have more value for AQI than others.
Government policy
Government policies have a direct impact on the national AQI values. With stricter emission standards, index values with lower air quality can be attracted. The same applies when the country is investing heavily in clean energy solutions. Proactive measures to control pollution will also reduce national AQI points. Today, Singapore has strict industrial regulations. The state also offers Green Building Initiatives and urban front station projects. These offers contribute to why countries maintain lower AQI values than other countries.
Air quality indexes vary depending on many factors between countries. Countries with stricter emission standards and guidelines are like index values with lower air quality than others. Combinations of different factors, such as industrial activity, vehicle emissions, and climate, also significantly impact the country’s total value. What exactly is your country’s current AQI value? What are the levels of pollution in your country compared to other countries? You can use this tool to find answers to these questions.